THE NEGLECTFUL MOTHER (In the Crow’s Perspective)

I sit on my eggs through cold winter days after day waiting to see if the Crow I married will reappear. I ask the spirits consistently why they chose to take away my partner in such a tragic way, shot and then clipped off his wings. I look at my eggs and wonder how am I ever going to provide for them in this state. They need stability and a strong parental figure to rely on and to teach them right from wrong. I notice the same Hawk flying around my nest daily and notice her judgmental stares without knowing the kind of bird I am. As the hatching days near the fear grows and grows. Maybe I can leave and find myself again before the children hatch. I know I leave them without any protection but they are in a safe place and I will return soon. I can not stay if I am not mentally stable to provide and be there for them. I left for five days until I got captured by the same family who killed my deceased partner. I fought long and hard consecutively for my survival to be able to return to my eggs.
As soon as I escaped I flew back to the nest where I saw a Hawk with my already hatched eggs. Why were they so entranced by the Hawk? I questioned what the hawk was doing with my kids and they responded that they were now hers. She claimed I had no pity but did not listen to my reasoning for not returning in time. I told the kids that I was their mother and did not abandon them but got held back and although the hawk raised them she was their mother and returned for them. The Hawk did not listen and so it was decided to go to court and fight for custody. The eagle judge interrogated both of us. I fought my case stating that I did want to be there for the children but with the loss of their father, I could not handle the obstacles my life had. The eagle heard my case and had sympathy but my children had never heard or seen me till today and when asked who they wanted to stay with they said their mother Hawk. My heart broke and I knew in the moment that I no longer had anyone to fight for. The Hawk sneered at me as I flew and left again this time forever.

For my writing project, I chose to write a narrative from the perspective of the mother crow from the Native American fable, The Neglectful Mother by the Cochiti tribe. When I first read the story I realized that the story was written in favor of the Hawk as well as in the perspective of the Hawk. The hawk was shown in the light to show how she had stepped up to the role and filled a void for the children. While I see that she did raise the kids I found it hard to believe that the crow would leave suddenly and then suddenly return in a month. Eggs hatch in two weeks and are in the nest for four weeks. I also wondered why there were only mothers in the families and where the father went. I made a narrative to showcase the crow’s feelings and make up a new message about how willingness does not always end successfully. The mother in my narrative tried her hardest to overcome the obstacles thrown in but was still not given the custody of her children. This shows a new message of how sometimes life is not fair to some but how you decide to act in response is up to you. The theme changed to show how disparity can affect one’s actions. While the story does not have a happy ending I believe it showcases the struggles others may face when they let their emotions overcome them which can result in more loss. The crow did go seek peace before having her kids but she meant to come back but faced more obstacles along the way. I believe this an interesting story since other tales do not show the struggles in one’s mind.

-carolina zavala